فقرة عن بر الوالدين بالانجليزي , تعبير عن بر الوالدين باللغة الانجليزية , كلام انجليزي قصير عن بر الوالدين
وهاذا تعبير عن بر الوالدين بالانجليزي:
Speaking one of the parents ..
Fifty years ago pilgrimage with his father .. Accompanied by a convoy on the beauty ..
And when over the chaste .. Before reaching the injustice .. Wanted the father – the sight of God – that he had had enough ..
Vonzlh son of a camel .. And went to the father he needs ..
He told the son: “Go with the convoy will be attached to you and you ..
Ever, Jr. .. After a while I turned and found that the convoy was straying from his father being returned to his feet to carry his father on his shoulder .. Then they are being launched ..
Son says: and while he is down as well as I felt moisture on my face and I found it tears my father ..
I said to my father: and God that you are lighter on the shoulders of the feather
The father said: It is not for this I cried .. But in this place I took my father
To one of his parents alive ….. I take the opportunity!!
The benefits of honoring one’s parents:
Bralodin of the most beloved of deeds to God
The approval of God in the parental consent
Parents of people deserving of good treatment
Honoring one’s parents is better than jihad
If you are righteous, you are pilgrims and pilgrims, and Mujahid
Paradise is under the feet of mothers —
Honoring one’s parents to prolong life and expand livelihood
Of righteousness, and his parents have near the same from Paradise
Of righteousness, and righteousness, his parents Sons appropriate requital
Honoring one’s parents makes you open door of paradise