إنارة الشوارع بإستخدام الطحالب Algae Street Lamps
Algae Street Lamps Suck Up C02, But How Exactly?
بعد أبحاث دامت طويلاً توصل الكيميائي الفرنسي بييرا كاليجا إلى طريقة مبتكرة لإنارة الطرقات تعتمد على التمثيل الضوئي. المصابيح عبارة عن خزانات مملوءة مياه وتحتوي على طحالب تعمل على تحويل ثاني أوكسيد الكربون وأشعة الشمس إلى طاقة تخزن في بطاريات، والتي بدورها تعمل ليلاً على توهج المصابيح باللون الأخضر. طن واحد في السنة هو معدل امتصاص الطحالب لغازات co2، وهو ما يعادل امتصاص شجرة خلال فترة حياتها كلها، مما يساعد على توفير هواء نظيف في المدن الملوثة، وذلك مما يجعل المصباح صديقاً للبيئة.
Algae are a large, diverse group of simple microorganisms that have lived on Earth for billions of years. Although we typically associate the term algae with the slimy green stuff that accumulates on the surface of a stagnant pond, seaweed and kelp are also member of the algae family. In the right situations, algae can be very useful to humans, and their potential as an energy source has received lots of attention over the past few years. French biochemist Pierre Calleja is now looking at algae as a potential source for helping clean the air of carbon dioxide. He has spent several years developing what looks to be an interesting street lamp that feeds on the vast amount of C02 swirling around in our atmosphere The lamps are really more like massive tanks filled with water and algae. As you can see from the video below, the lamps, making use of a lighted environment, work with the added micro-algae to scrub out the C02 in the air. What’s not exactly clear is how this process works. There are certainly examples out there of micro-algae being bred specifically to absorb carbon emissions (you can even try building this one if you have the DIY skills), but whether that includes this pet project of Calleja is unknown. Perhaps it involves a carbon sink making use of photosynthesis?.